Sunday, May 10, 2015

Across "the pond"

Sunday, May 10th - Happy Mother's Day

Everyone managed to be up and around early for our departure for "The Bahamas", Bimini. 

The homes we passed on our way out the ICW to Port Everglades were just unbelievable!  And many of them had boats next to the house that were as big or bigger than the house. 

Departed - 6:45 AM Bahia Mar Marina, Ft. Lauderdale
Average Speed - 18.7 Knots
Traveled Today - 52.7 NM
Seas - 2-3 ESE every 8 seconds, with 4-5 foot rolls from the North courtesy of Tropical Storm Ana
Arrived - 9:34 AM EST Big Game Resort & Marina, Bimini - This is the ONLY place to clear Customs in Bimini. 

Everyone made it across "the pond" just fine.  Somebody had to slow it down to 22 knots for a couple of minutes but still managed to race ahead to the finish line.

Total Trip Hours - 20:19
Total Trip NM - 245.8
Average Speed - 12.1 knots

The Bimini Harbor Master would only allow one boat to dock at a time and be completely informed about Customs prior to letting the next boat into the Marina, thus it took about 45 minutes for everyone to get into slips.  Then we began the process of Customs and Immigration.  The hardest part of that was finding the Customs Office.  The only boat boarded by Customs agents was Afterwires.  The process went very well and by noon everyone was ready for a trip to the beach. 

Although the weather is calling for 3-5 foot seas out of the East for tomorrow we are going to give it a try to get to Chub Cay.  The long range forecast for the next seven (7) days is the same.  So it is stay here for a week or keep moving:)  Everyone is in favor of heading toward Chub Cay.  

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