Friday, May 29, 2015


Thursday, May 28, 2015 - Harbour Island, Eleuthera

We are back in civilization.  The Exuma islands have very little phone service, internet or anything else electronic.  Even when they say they have phone or internet service it rarely worked and not enough to send an email or anything else.  So we apologize for leaving you "in the dark" but it has been completely unavoidable given our locations. 

We are now at Valentines Resort and Marina on Harbour Island in Eleuthera. 

The picture below is coming from Spanish Wells to Harbour Island through the Devils Backbone.  The pilot is aboard Marlin Striker and all boats were asked to keep "very tight". 

Departed Highbourne Marina - 8:47AM
Arrived - Harbour Island - 3:41 PM
Travel Time – 5 hours 52 minutes
Average speed – 11.7 knots
Distance Traveled Today - 68.8 NM
Seas – 2-4 feet
Wind – East 10-15knots
Trip Total Travel Time – 43 hours and 30 minutes
Total Distance Traveled – 580.2 NM

We had to wait approximately an hour for the pilot to take us through the Devils Backbone.  This is the shallow area between Spanish Wells and Harbour Island.  With four (4) boats, high seas, and having never been through the area before we felt like we would take the recommendation of the cruising books and locals.  This is an area that we traveled very close to the beach, swerved to avoid coral heads and battled breaking rollers.  We were very glad to have the pilot (74 years old and lived here all his life) on board with us. 

Devil's Backbone
We will be here on Harbour Island until Sunday, May 31st.  Then we will make our way to Marsh Harbour in the Abacos. 

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