Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Highbourne Cay

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

We made it to the Exuma's!  Today was a beautiful trip from Hurricane Hole to Highbourne Cay.  The winds and seas were calm, and the trip across Yellow Bank and the coral heads was uneventful.  Just the way we like it:)  Highbourne is absolutely beautiful.  The landscape and the clear aqua water.  We can see barracuda, sharks, stingrays and many fish all around the boat.  We spent the afternoon at the beach.  Unfortunately all of the boats have been held up for days waiting for good weather so we are only able to stay here for 1 day.  We may try to stop here again on our way back north.  We will be moving on tomorrow toward Warderick Wells Land & Sea Park.  We hear that the fishing for mahi has been excellent so we may try to fish our way to the next stop.  It will be about a 15 mile journey.  It is a  little difficult to get much fishing in when you are with a crowd that does not fish. 

Departed - Hurricane Hole - 9:34 AM  (High tide 9:50 AM)
Arrived - Highbourne - 12:39 PM
Time Traveled - 2 hours 34 minutes
Seas - 1-2 feet
Wind - SW 5-10
Trip Distance - 37.5 NM
Average Speed - 14.6 knots

Trip Total Time - 31 hours 14 minutes
Average Speed - 13.2 knots
Total Distance Traveled - 412.9 NM

We have meet Harry & Tami, and Bart (the owner)  from the Dusty Sea, Juniper, FL.  There are also many sport fishing boats here and everyone has a story to tell. 

The fisherman clean fish at the end of the pier so there are LOTS of sharks, grouper, and jacks right at the end of the dock.  I will get a picture to add to our blog before we leave here. 

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