Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Making the Best of Very Windy Days

Saturday, May 19, 2018 - Day 38

We are going stir crazy with not being able to get out due to the high winds and high seas.  Bill has been ready to fish since we got to Compass but the seas have been in excess of 5-7 feet with little sign of dropping any time soon.  Today we decide to see if we could just do a little exploring in the dinghy's, no luck.  At one point I was not sure we were going to make it back to the marina even in the dinghy.  We had to "tack" and go with the waves to the back side of a small island just to be able to turn around.  Argonaut made out a little better than we did but it still got very dicey very fast just on the bay side of Compass. Today I would say the bay side was 4-5 feet and the Sound side was in excess of 10 footers. 

Once in a safe area we watched a space age boat named Jedi come into Compass.  They too later stated that they were very happy to be in a marina. 

The entire marina did cocktail hour and a pot luck dinner. 

Sunday, May 20, 2018 - Day 39

It rained most of the day so Argonaut came over to the Marlin Striker and we played Sequence all afternoon.

Monday, May 21, 2018 - Day 40

The waters inside the islands calmed down so we ventured down to Staniel Cay again for lunch. This weather is getting very old so we decided at lunch that we would move to Palm Cay, Nassau on Thursday which should be a fairly good day and Whit needs to be Nassau by Saturday to pick up his brother.  We had planned to go to Spanish Wells and Argonaut was going to meet us there next week but in light of the continued weather forecast for the possibility of tropical storms we are going to stay together and all go the Palm Cay Marina.  From there we will watch the weather and decide whether we will venture on to Spanish Well and Harbour Island or work on making other plans.  Either way, we are going to hope to get better weather/seas by the time we get back to Chub and maybe Bill will get a chance to fish from Chub.  We will go day to day.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018 - Day 41

The waters inside the islands has calmed so we went exploring in the dinghy again today.  We went to the Blue Hole (be the Aquarium), which had very white sand and we could walk on the sand at low tide all around the Blue Hole.  We also walked around much of the little bay which was  visible at low tide and picked up some shells. 

Bill saw an old buoy on one of the islands so we stopped and picked it up.  He wanted to make something out of it to leave at Compass from the Marlin Striker. 

When we left the Blue Hole we went over to the old Navy outpost and checked it out.  This was a great place to anchor out or tie off to a concrete wall that was very secluded and had deep water.  We checked out the old buildings and walked on the beach on the opposite shore.  We picked up more shells and some sand dollars. 

It was a great day of exploration!

Note:  It is my understanding that the returning part of our group traveled from Nassau Yacht Haven to Chub Cay Marina today.  The seas were challenging at approximately 5 feet. 

Tomorrow will be a day of getting ready to move to Palm Cay Marina.  We will need to clean and load the dinghy, stow away everything that we have brought out like chairs, canopy, etc. and secure all cabinet drawers to ready the boat for travel again. 

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