Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Compass Cay and More Thunderstorms

May 11- 15 (Days 30-34) 

The weather has been relentless of overcast, rain, thunderstorms and more of the same. 

On Saturday Bill and Whit took the dinghy out to try a little fishing.  They had some success but not what they really wanted.  They got some yellowtail snapper, red hind, and gray trigger,

On Sunday we managed a dinghy ride to Staniel for an excellent Mothers Day lunch.  On the way back we visited with some of our other boats that had decided to spend a few nights in Big Major.  That evening Marlin Striker provided dinner and a movie (Talladaga Nights).

Monday was a cleaning and wash day as it rained hard most of the day. Argonaut provided a great dinner that evening, 

On Tuesday, our friends on Dusty Seas (from Jupiter) and Bluenose (from Naples) arrived in Compass.  In addition their friends, Wet Dreams, Tuff Life, and Salty Seas arrived.  The rain let up just long enough for all of us to enjoy a marina wide cocktail hour which lasted well into the night.  We also met another boat from Cape Coral, Adventure. 

It looks like the rainy weather and big seas are going to continue for several more days so we are going to just make the best of it and try to take the dinghy to the Iguanas, and maybe Black Point tomorrow.  Either way, we will make the best of it!  At least it looks the like the weather is the same or even worse in Florida. 

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