Friday, June 12, 2015

Back in Florida

Thursday, June 11, 2015. (Day 41)

Sadly the sun is setting on our 2015 Bahama Cruise.  Marlin Striker and Stocks & Blondes left Key West early in the morning headed for St. Charles Yacht Club, Ft. Myers.   The seas were quite choppy when we left Key West but by the time we reached St. Charles at about noon the seas had smoothed out and we cruised into the Sanibel bridge at about 30 knots. 

What a great trip! We saw sights and water colors that were just so beautiful that the pictures do not do them justice and words can't describe.  We meet some wonderful people that we already have plans to meet up with again (new friends) and have become much closer friends with some of the people that traveled with us for the last 41 days. 

Plans are already in the works for future boat trips. 

Departed - Key West - A & B Marine - 6:40 AM
Arrived - St. Charles Yacht Club, Ft. Myers - 12:00 PM
Seas - 3-5 foot chop in Key West, less than 2 feet at Ft. Myers
Winds - E 10-15
Water Temperature - 79 degrees
Air Temperature - 88 degrees
Travel Time - 5 hours, 28 minutes
Average Speed - 22.9 knots
Total Distance Traveled Today - 125.6 NM


Total Time Traveled - 109 hours, 53 minutes
Average Speed - 13.7 knots
Total Distance Traveled - 1507 Nautical Miles

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