Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Abaco to Key West

Tuesday - Wednesday, June 9-10, 2015

Stocks & Blondes and Marlin Striker had a wonderful day seeing the sights in Key West. 

Tomorrow we will leave early for Fort Myers. 

Monday, June 8th, 2015

Stocks & Blondes and Marlin Striker had a great trip from Chub to Key West.  We crossed Grand Bahama Bank at South Riding Rock, the gulf stream, and onward to Key West. 

Departed Chub - 8:00 AM after fueling
Arrived - Key West 4:45 PM
Time Traveled - 8 hours and 54 minutes
Average Speed - 25.9 knots
Seas - 1-2 feet, 3-4 in the gulfstream
Winds - ESE 5-10
Total Distance Traveled - 230.6 NM
Total Trip Time Traveled - 104.24 hours and 24 minutes
Total Trip Distance Traveled - 1382 NM

Sunday, June 7th, 2015

The tournament is over and now it is time to head for home.  We would like to thank our St. Charles friends for joining us at the Abaco Beach Resort.  A special thanks goes to our friend Glenn for being our mate during the tournament, Laurie for preparing the lunch everyday, Dave R. for the photography (and laughs), and Dave G. for his fishing experience.  We had a great team!

After saying our goodbyes to our friends and new tournament friends, Stocks & Blondes and the Marlin Striker headed toward Chub Cay and home. We had a great day and arrived in Chub Cay early afternoon.  We enjoyed the remainder of the afternoon in the pool then dinner on Stocks & Blondes. 

Note:  Afterwires meet up with The Maine Event sometime last week while we were at the tournament. 

Departed Abaco - 10:30 AM
Arrived - Chub Cay at 2:45 PM
Time Traveled - 4 hours and 6 minutes
Average Speed - 26.3 knots
Seas - 1-2 feet
Winds - ESE 5-10
Total Distance Traveled - 108.3 NM
Total Trip Time Traveled - 95 hours and 30 minutes
Total Trip Distance Traveled - 1151 NM. (including fishing)


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