Saturday, June 9, 2018

Back in Cape Coral

Thursday, June 7, 2018 - Day 57

Bill and I enjoyed breakfast at the Stuffed Pig and then walked over to Marlin Bay Yacht Club.  This is a new marina facility just opening in Marathon.  It was fabulous in every way, slips, grounds, game room, pool, outside bar, and much more.  We will definitely plan a SFYC cruise to this new marina. 
Marlin Bay Yacht Club Docks
Marlin Bay Pool and Outside Bar
Marlin Bay Game Room

Friday, June 8, 2018 - Day 58

We were up early and headed for home!  The seas were fabulous, the best we have seen the entire trip.  What a nice way to be welcomed home:)

Seas like all boaters dream of

Departure Time: 7:00 AM
Arrival Time: 12:25 PM
Travel Time: 5 hours and 25 minutes
Trip Distance: 126.00
Winds: SSW 5 or less
Seas: 0-1 foot, calm.  Some bigger rolls between Cape Sable and Cape Romano - "the death square"
Average Speed: 23.4 kts.
Max. Speed:  33.1 kts.

Argonaut arrive back in Cape Coral at about 6:45 PM.  We meet them at the dock to help with their last docking (of this trip) and then we all enjoyed dinner at Pinchers. 

Final Cruising Statistics:

Total Cruise:  46 hours and 7 minutes
Average Speed:  19.2 knots
Maximum Speed:  33.1 knots
Total Trip Distance:  897.8 Nautical Miles

The Welcoming Committee
Bill's sister, Dee, his brother-in-law, Bob and nephew, Shane welcomed us home at the dock. 

This year's cruise created a endeared Bahama terms:

49 Degrees
10 footers with "scary" stuff on top
Quite "sporty"
Not a Mary Alice day
The death square

For more information about the Bahama terms, please talk to the cruise participants. 

Thank you for joining us on our 2018 Bahamas Cruise.  

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