Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Faro Blanco Marina

Monday and  Tuesday, May 2-3, 2016 - Days 2 & 3

We found a Home Depot and replaced the bait freezer with a new one which we will now keep in the Salon.  We moved the "people" food from the bridge freezer to the inside salon freezer and put the bait on the bridge.  If I have to have a freezer in the salon, I would rather it be the food I need to get at for meals. 

Bill worked on finishing up some new connections between our electronics, not without a trip to West Marine of course.  Luckily West Marine is right across the street.   We also enjoyed some down time and watching the fish and tarpon around our boat. 

We meet up with Brad, the Captain from the boat "3" whom we had met when we were here in March with the St. Charles group.  This boat is not going to the Bahamas this year because the owner Bob Bull prefers to stay at Faro Blanco.  Bob is the owner/driver of the CMS Offshore Racing Boats, "3" and "03" 2015 National and World Championships.  We hope to meet up with Brad (and the race team) again at the Key West races in the fall or maybe even at the races in Marathon on our way back from the Bahamas in the end of June.



If the weather and seas hold we will be off to Chubb Cay in the early morning.

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